Tuesday, 14 August 2012


 I can't really remeber falling asleep, but I can surly remeber waking up in the morning. I don't know time it was when I woke up but it must of been early. I heard the door knocking but I was still half asleep, It must of been the door knocking that actually woke me up. I knew who it was. I knew it for 100%. He was the last person I wanted to see, so I just ignored it. I didn't wake Carl up, he looked so cute. I was just looking at him for a litle while but then my eyes started to close up and I went back sleep.
 I didn't know how long I went sleep for, but it probably wasn't for long. I heard something. Someone was throwing something at the window. It woke Carl up, he looked so cute. I layed there on the side looking at him. His eyes were slowly opening as he was facing my way. He looked at me and smiled. His smile was so sweet. It's one of the things that I love about him. Seeing him smile can always make me smile too.
 "Moning!" he said with a sweet voice of his.
 I smiled and replied "hey".
 It wasn't long till we heard the door knocking again, I knew who it was, don't know about him. He got up and rushed to the door. I knew who it was so I started pretending I was asleep. I didn't want to talk to him at all.
 I heard them walking into the door and talking but I didn't listen to what they were saying. I wasn't really interested.
 " How's claudia?" jordan asked Carl. He didn't know I was there as I was laying under the covers.
 I looked up at him, giving him dirty look I quicly replied "Fine" after I just putted my head back down.
 This was a little bit awakrd for me, it was only a day since me and him broke up and I was already staying at his mates house. Well he was my friend too and it's not like he actually cared about me, if he did, he wouldn't of break up with me because of a stupid reason like this.
 Breaking up with someone because they wouldn't put out was kind of a silly and stupid reason. It made me think a lot, and it still messes with my head sometimes, not as much as Carl messes up with it thou...

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